Algorand: The Perfect DeFi Platform

Stephen Michael
7 min readMar 4, 2021

DeFi platforms have come into prominence, gaining significant popularity and changing the way the financial sector functions. DeFi also acts as a bridge for the adoption of blockchain technology and cryptocurrency in mainstream markets; it has also led to significant developments in the cryptocurrency space, offering the same services that a traditional banking platform offers, except on-chain and in a decentralized manner.

DeFi is a disruptive technology, and some experts argue that the technology is not ready for mass adoption yet.

There are several DeFi projects in the DeFi space, some of which are hugely successful, thanks to their constant innovation and partnerships. One such platform is Algorand. Algorand is already among the leading DeFi platforms, if not the leading platform. In fact, Algorand is the perfect platform to push DeFi into the mainstream, as we will find out in this article.

The Reluctance Of The Mainstream To Embrace DeFi

Disruptive technologies change the way an industry works. It is human nature to resist change, even if the change is beneficial. That same logic applies in the case of the mainstream adoption of DeFi. A lot of people feel that DeFi is not ready for mass adoption. However, this train of thought exists because of people’s reluctance to accept DeFi than with DeFi itself. DeFi is more than ready for mainstream adoption.

There are several reasons why people are reluctant to accept DeFi into the mainstream. Some argue that cryptocurrencies are extremely volatile and that the volatility makes them an un-viable asset. Some people find cryptocurrencies complicated, further fueling their reluctance. It must be stated that businesses and financial institutions are adopting cryptocurrencies; it isn’t enough to push mass adoption.

The goal of DeFi is to create a level financial system that is accessible to all. Anyone with a smartphone can carry out transactions, apply for a loan or make investments. DeFi has generated significant interest from the cryptocurrency industry. Even though mass adoption may take time, a platform can finally push DeFi and blockchain technology into the mainstream. That platform is Algorand.

Introduction To Algorand: The Perfect DeFi Platform

Algorand is a smart contract platform and a decentralized cryptocurrency. Founded by Turing award-winning professor Silvio Micali, Algorand has a strong team’s backing, investors who have backed the project financially, and reliable technology.

Algorand uses a unique consensus mechanism called Pure Proof-of-Stake (PPoS). Pure Proof-of-Stake allows Algorand to confirm blocks in mere seconds, allowing transactions to achieve finality almost instantly. The Algorand platform also offers users smart contracts and atomic transfers in Layer 1.

Algorand aims to address what other blockchain platforms and cryptocurrencies have failed to address, the blockchain trilemma. Algorand claims to have solved the blockchain trilemma, offering security, scalability, and decentralization. Algorand’s Pure Proof-of-Stake consensus mechanism helps the platform in overcoming the blockchain trilemma.

The Algorand blockchain has several features that give it a significant advantage over other blockchains in the crypto space. Some of the features are

  • Algorand’s blockchain has almost no probability of forking.
  • The blockchain enables token holders to vote on changes and any actions on the platform through its built-in governance system.
  • Algorand delivers instant finality; as soon as a block is added to the blockchain, no changes can be made to it.

Algorand Use Cases: What Does Algorand Bring To the Table?

Algorand offers quick transaction speeds, allowing transactions to be settled instantly. Algorand’s fast transaction speeds make it an ideal platform for transactions. However, Algorand isn’t just limited to being a platform for transactions. Its primary focus is on smart contracts.

Algorand offers two types of smart contracts. Layer 1 smart contracts and Layer 2 smart contracts. The former can be used to create new tokens or execute atomic swaps. Layer 2 smart contracts are utilized to execute more complex actions, like a smart contract that has multiple stages of execution. Layer 2 smart contracts are executed off-chain.

Algorand’s consensus mechanism allows the platform to select random token holders to add blocks to the blockchain, irrespective of the size of their stake. This ensures decentralization of the network. Algorand offers a better alternative to other platforms like EOS and Ethereum. Ethereum is the go-to platform for decentralized apps and DeFi, and Algorand hopes to change that status-quo.

Algorand has partnered with several organizations like Coinbase, ISDA, and The Realio Platform and is constantly looking for more partnerships to push the adoption of DeFi into the mainstream. Algorand has several features that give it a significant advantage over other platforms, which is why projects like Tether and IDEX have created their protocols on the Algorand blockchain.

Algorand is pushing the next generation of DeFi products by promising speed, security, and decentralization. It also offers wallet support and micropayment facilities.

What Are The Advantages That Algorand Has Over Other Platforms?

Algorand has several advantages and innovative features that give it an edge over other platforms. Developers can create, run and deploy smart contracts and decentralized applications on the Algorand blockchain. Applications can be created in different languages like Python, Go, Java and Javascript. The platform also has several tools like Sandbox and Algorand Studio that developers can use.

Smart contracts on Algorand are written in TEAL (Transaction Execution Approval Language). TEAL can be used to write stateless and stateful smart contracts. Once a contract is attached to any transaction, the transaction cannot be modified or changed in any way, making TEAL one of the most secure languages to create smart contracts.

Creating and deploying decentralized applications and smart contracts is also cheaper on Algorand. This is because of Algorand’s superior security and scalability. Transactions are finalized and stored on the blockchain almost instantly, with users paying negligible transaction fees.

Algorand has critical advantages over other blockchains

  • Universal tokenization: This allows users of Algorand to tokenize assets in a variety of fields, with the Algorand blockchain ensuring fairness, scalability, and transparency.
  • A better medium of exchange: Algorand is a better medium of exchange than other blockchains, having faster block times than others.
  • Algorand is forkless: Algorand’s Pure Proof-of-Stake consensus mechanism ensures that forking does not occur. Each new block on the blockchain receives finality by default.
  • All-encompassing enterprise-grade DeFi solution: Algorand and its blockchain have been built to become the ultimate DeFi platform.
  • Solves the blockchain trilemma: Algorand solves the blockchain trilemma, providing security, scalability, and decentralization. Algorand also allows developers to create dApps in different languages like Java, Javascript, Go, and Python.

Algorand’s Partnerships

To push the adoption of DeFi and blockchain technology, Algorand has teamed up with a diverse group of partners representing cryptocurrencies, technological, venture capital, and financial communities. Some of Algorand’s partners are


Stablecorp is the firm behind the management and the issuance of QCAD (Canadian dollar Stablecoin). With this partnership, QCAD became the first non-USD-backed stablecoin on the Algorand network. Both Algorand and Stablecorp hope that this partnership can help Algorand grow its fiat-backed stablecoin capabilities. QCAD’s implementation on Algorand helps open it up to greater mainstream use cases.

For QCAD, this partnership is beneficial because Algorand brings wallet support, micropayment support, and instant confirmation. Algorand offers security, scalability, and decentralization, making it a perfect platform for Stablecoins.


Xfinite is a blockchain-based digital media platform built on the Algorand blockchain. The platform hopes to create a blockchain-based media ecosystem that can enable the next generation of digital media dApps to thrive.

Partnering with Algorand, Xfinite can ensure that there is fairness and transparency in the digital media ecosystem. The partnership also gives influencers a new avenue to interact with their existing followers and reach new users on social media. Xfinite hopes to leverage blockchain technology through its partnership with Algorand and benefit the digital community.


Algorand’s partnership with Frontier has created a borderless, frictionless economy on blockchain technology. Algorand hopes that Frontier can give its DeFi ecosystem a boost. Despite the various DeFi platforms out there, Algorand continues to be the perfect DeFi platform, thanks to its permissionless, open-source pure Proof-of-Stake consensus mechanism.

Frontier hopes to bring a native experience for users of its ecosystem. Frontier also received a 250 million ALGO grant to implement quicker developer activity on its blockchain. The ALGO grant will be used for

  • Native Staking Interface: Users can stake ALGO using Frontier tokens.
  • Algorand Blockchain support: Users of Frontier can seamlessly store, spend and receive ALGO tokens.
  • Algorand Connect and Trust Wallet: Users can connect Trust wallet with Frontier enabling them to track and stake their ALGO tokens using TxLink technology.


Algorand has also partnered with Curv, a digital custody tech provider and among the world’s most trusted digital asset security platforms. The partnership will help Algorand implement solutions in the DeFi space while allowing Curv to integrate Algorand into its “asset agnostic” infrastructure.

Algorand will also help both platforms to develop secure wallet functionality on applications running on the Algorand blockchain. This will be powered by Curv’s Multiparty Computation Technology (MPC). The partnership will also allow Curv users to store and trade ALGO and Asa tokens.


Tether allows users to send, receive and store Stablecoins through the use of blockchain technology. Tether’s USDT is among the most widely traded cryptocurrencies in transaction volume. Algorand allows Tether to carry out over a thousand USDT transactions per second in a secure, scalable, decentralized manner. The partnership enables Tether to leverage Algorand’s technology and leading financial innovation.

The above are just a few examples of the platforms and companies that Algorand has partnered with in its effort to revolutionize DeFi. The platform continues to look for new partnerships and new opportunities to innovate and push mainstream adoption of DeFi.

Conclusion: Algorand Has All The Answers

With the backing that Algorand has and the team behind the platform, Algorand is fast becoming the go-to platform for DeFi and Decentralized Applications. Compared to other platforms in the DeFi and smart contract space, Algortand has lower costs for creating and running decentralized applications and executing smart contracts.

Algorand also provides developers tools and support, along with developer documentation and financial support. Add to this Algorand’s underlying technology, and the platform’s partnerships truly make Algorand the perfect DeFi platform.

